How to Raise the Water Level in a Toilet Bowl

Jul 28, 2019


Welcome to Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning's comprehensive guide on how to raise the water level in a toilet bowl. We understand that low water levels in your toilet can cause inconvenience and affect its overall performance. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions to help you fix the issue and ensure your toilet functions optimally.

Why is the Water Level Low in Your Toilet Bowl?

If you've noticed that the water level in your toilet bowl is lower than usual, several reasons could be behind it. Some common causes include:

  • A clogged or partially blocked toilet trap
  • A malfunctioning fill valve or float mechanism
  • An improperly adjusted water level
  • A water supply line issue

Step-by-Step Instructions to Raise the Water Level

1. Check for Toilet Trap Blockage

The first step is to ensure there are no obstructions in your toilet trap. A clogged trap can restrict water flow and lead to low water levels. Use a plunger or a toilet auger to clear any blockages. If the problem persists, consider seeking professional assistance from Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning.

2. Inspect the Fill Valve and Float Mechanism

Next, inspect the fill valve and float mechanism. These components control the water level in the toilet tank. Make sure the fill valve is functioning properly and the float is moving freely. If either of these is damaged or malfunctioning, it may require replacement. Contact Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning for expert assistance in diagnosing and resolving any issues.

3. Adjust the Water Level

If the fill valve and float mechanism are working correctly, you may need to adjust the water level manually. To do this:

  1. Locate the water level adjustment screw or mechanism in the toilet tank
  2. Gently turn the adjustment screw or move the mechanism up or down to set the desired water level
  3. Flush the toilet to check if the water level has increased
  4. Repeat the adjustment process until the water level reaches your desired height

4. Check the Water Supply Line

If the above steps didn't resolve the issue, inspect the water supply line connected to your toilet. Ensure it is not kinked, twisted, or blocked. If necessary, replace the supply line or consult Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning for professional assistance.

Contact Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning for Expert Assistance

If you have followed the above steps and are still experiencing low water levels in your toilet bowl, it's best to contact the professionals at Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning. Our skilled technicians have extensive experience in resolving plumbing and toilet-related issues. Schedule an appointment with us today and let us ensure your toilet operates smoothly and efficiently.


Raising the water level in a toilet bowl is a relatively simple process that can be done by following the steps outlined in this guide. However, if you encounter any difficulties or the problem persists, it's always recommended to seek the expertise of professionals like Northwest Heating & Air Conditioning. Don't let low water levels in your toilet cause inconvenience when assistance is just a phone call away!

Paul Le
Use more water, problem solved!
Oct 10, 2023